

The mainstay treatment of cancer is prompt diagnosis and early detection. We at Gynafem with our good diagnostic team and evaluation tools help in diagnosis of cancers like
  • Cervical cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Breast cancer

Cervical cancer detection: with LBC-liquid based cytology, conventional PAP, thin Prep examination along with reflex HPV testing with 3D ultrasound helps detect cervical cancer at the earliest. Not only the detection bit but along with our HPV vaccine which is preventive for cervical cancer and also genital warts


Ovarian cancer-our ultrasound facility with our blood markers done inhouse that is CA125, CEA, AFP, Beta hcg all help in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer.

Endometrial cancer: endometrial sampling, pipelle,endometrial biopsy with 3D ultrasound and Progesterone IUD insertions help in diagnosis and early management of Cancer endometrium.

Breast Cancer-Our sonomammogram screening helps in early detection of breast cancer

© Copyright 2021 Dr. Parzan Mistry.

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