

Labor is a stressful process not only for the mother but also for the baby. It’s important to get adequate rest. It is also important to ask for help and support from your near and dear ones. New Moms require a support with regards to breast feeding and we have a group of trained personal who help initiate and support these new moms with breastfeeding. It’s also important to eat a healthy meal. It generally takes 6 weeks for all the systems and organs to get back to normal after delivery. Women may face certain challenges post-delivery like vaginal discharges, constipation, urinary incontinence, Hair loss and skin changes, postpartum depression, anxiety, mood swings, etc.

Planned Caesarean section: Low lying placenta, breech presentation, twins, IVF babies. This procedure is well planned after the lung maturity of the baby is confirmed. Emergency Caesarean section: It is generally done when the labor is not progressing, vaginal bleeding during labor, variation in baby’s heartbeat.

Though many of these problems may be physiological, it is necessary to consult your gynecologist at some of these problems may have an underlying pathological cause. We help motivate our mothers to have a joyous and safe parenthood.


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