

Generally, pregnancy losses occur mainly during the first trimester or the first three months of pregnancy. It causes quite a physical and mental stress to the patient. Pregnancy losses or miscarriages are not that uncommon and are seen in 10 % cases of pregnancy. Most common reasons for these early pregnancy losses are chromosomal and genetic related disorders where there is an abnormality in the structure or the number of the chromosome. The incidence of these losses is increased with the age of the mother. These patients generally present with pain in abdomen and bleeding or spotting. The modality of investigations advised are either serum beta hcg in the early pregnancy or ultrasound examination.

The abortions can either be threatened abortion wherein the pregnancy can still continue if managed within time. Inevitable abortion wherein it is difficult to conserve the pregnancy. Complete abortion wherein all the products are evacuated from the uterus or incomplete abortion wherein some products may remain inside. Generally incomplete abortions may be treated with some medicines to expel the remaining products however most of these patients have to undergo a cleaning of the uterus what we call it as curettage of the uterus. Most of the women after first miscarriage end up having a normal pregnancy later on, it is only 1% of cases who end up having recurrent miscarriages. It is always important to see your gynecologist before your plan your next pregnancy as we can help you out in

  • When to plan next
  • What to do next
  • What not to do next
  • How can you prevent it from happening again

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