
Management of male infertility

  • PESA

  • TESA

  • PESA

The treatment of male infertility ranges from medications to surgical interventions to surgical retrieval of sperms in cases of men with azoospermia.

There is still hope in males who have azoospermia that is absence of sperms in the seminal fluid. Surgical retrieval of sperms by modes of PESA/TESA/TESA gives promising results in such cases.

  • Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA): This involves the needle and syringe technique in which the needle is placed directly into the epididymis.

  • Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA): This is an open surgical sperm retrieval procedure that uses an operating microscopy to locate the tubules of the epididymis precisely, so that large numbers of sperm can be extracted.

  • Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA): This involves placing a needle attached to a syringe through the skin of the scrotum and simply sucking out the fluid inside the testicle

  • Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE): This is an open surgical biopsy technique to remove a few testicular tissues and extract to find the sperm.

  • The sperms retrieved through the surgical techniques are used for ICSI techniques

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