

Being a parent means you love the little person you created more than you could ever love yourself or anybody else. You’d readily lose sleep to comfort them from their nightmares. Being a parent is loving somebody else wholeheartedly and unconditionally for eternity. Being a parent is being there through the milestones and the tears.

Being a parent is a privilege and it is our privilege to help bring this joy into your world. We at Gynafem offer comprehensive, cost friendly, conscientious, compassionate, comforting and success driven fertility, pregnancy and gynecology care in the heart of Mumbai.

We are equipped with world class technology with the state-of-the-art infrastructure which caters to all infertility treatments. With our 3D /4D imaging technology we are able to get to the crux of the diagnosis and help you with the right modality of treatment.

© Copyright 2021 Dr. Parzan Mistry.

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