

Fertility Lifestyle Changes

You can boost your chances of conceiving by making sure your body is healthy enough to become pregnant and support a developing baby. Both men and women can make lifestyle changes that may make them more likely to conceive. All women who are trying to conceive should have 400 mcg of folic acid daily to prevent the baby from having neural tube defects. In addition we advise Rubella IgG testing to know your rubella immunization status and would encourage to get immunised before planning to conceive to prevent defects in baby(After rubella immunization to avoid conception for 6-8 weeks ).


Eat healthily

A balanced diet will help ensure your body is healthy enough to become pregnant and can also help to keep sperm production at optimum levels. Correct nutrition has been shown to have a significant impact on chances of conceiving through fertility treatment. It can be used to improve your body’s general ability to conceive, through improving egg quality in women or sperm count in men. It can also help with specific conditions which may affect you or your partner, including polycystic ovary syndrome, low sperm count, hormonal imbalances, and other medical conditions. Understandably, many people undergoing fertility treatment want to ensure they are eating the correct diet. Please speak to our clinical team and nutritionist onboard for advice on nutrition.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise will keep you fit and help you to maintain a healthy weight. It can also help to reduce your stress levels, in what can be an emotionally draining situation.

Medication and Drugs

Some prescription drugs can reduce your chances of conceiving, so if you are taking regular medication inform us so that we can switch to a suitable alternative. All illegal drugs should be completely avoided.

Stop Smoking

Smoking has been linked to infertility and early menopause in women, and has been shown to reduce sperm quality. It is also a factor in premature or low birth-weight babies.

Keep cool

For maximum sperm production, the testes should be a couple of degrees cooler than the rest of your body. It may help to avoid tight-fitting clothing, saunas and hot showers.

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